addition bingo


Play bingo solving sums. You can choose between two levels of difficulty: sums from 1 to 10 and sums from 10 to 20.
Spanish Language

Eat sums


Find two numbers that when added together correspond to the indicated result. You can choose between two difficulty levels.
Spanish Language

number bingo


Let's play bingo! You can choose between two levels: numbers from 0 to 20 and numbers from 0 to 50.
Spanish Language

Croc doc


Solve these divisions and you can help brush the crocodiles' teeth.
English language

Triangle splat


Practice the types of angles with this game in which you must click according to the statement.
English language

Alien angles

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Move the side of the angles and make sure it measures what they tell you. Will you be able to get it right?
English language

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