Help these children sit in their seats. To do this you must solve the sums in less than a minute and a half.
English language
Continents and oceans
Cris2024-07-22T14:54:10+01:00Place the continents and oceans of our planet on the globe. Game in English.
English language
Triangle splat
Cris2024-07-22T07:01:52+01:00Practice the types of angles with this game in which you must click according to the statement.
English language
Snow fractions
Cris2025-01-29T16: 14: 55+01: 00Participate in this race in which you must multiply fractions to reach the finish line.
English language
Speedway fractions
Cris2025-01-29T16: 14: 41+01: 00Participate in this race in which you must add and subtract fractions to reach the finish line.
English language
Hungry puppies
Cris2025-01-29T16: 14: 19+01: 00Help these puppies to correctly complete the addition of decimals.
English language
Kangaroo hop
Cris2025-01-29T16: 14: 04+01: 00Participate in this kangaroo race where you must recognize the main geometric shapes.
English language
Area shape game
Cris2024-07-22T15:08:35+01:00Read the sentences in English and click on the figures that add up to the indicated area.
English language
Perimeter shape game
Cris2024-07-22T15:08:06+01:00Read the sentences in English and click on the figures that add up to the indicated perimeter.
English language
Lines of symmetry
Cris2024-07-22T07:04:28+01:00Complete these activities to work on the symmetry of geometric figures.
English language
Volume shape game
Cris2024-07-22T15:09:30+01:00Read the statements in English and click on the figures that add up to the indicated volume.
English language
Alien angles
Cris2025-01-29T16: 13: 52+01: 00Move the side of the angles and make sure it measures what they tell you. Will you be able to get it right?
English language
Measuring angles
Cris2025-01-29T16: 13: 37+01: 00Use the protractor to measure these angles. Write down the result and check if it is correct.
English language
Alien addition
Cris2025-01-29T16: 13: 20+01: 00Participate in this game in which you must put your speed into practice when adding.
English language
Jumping chicks
Cris2025-01-29T16: 13: 05+01: 00Do you know how to count? Participate in this fun duck race where you must jump on the number of leaves indicated to you.
English language
Freeze fractions
Cris2024-07-22T07:07:34+01:00Read the fraction and freeze the board when the indicated fraction is marked.
English language
Add fractions
Cris2024-07-22T15:11:01+01:00Solve these fraction additions by dragging each balloon to the correct result.
English language
Wipeout wall
Cris2024-07-22T04:20:37+01:00Choose if you want to practice addition or subtraction, select the difficulty level and... let's play!
English language
Pirate puzzles
Cris2024-07-22T07:10:33+01:00Decipher the value of each drawing and you will be able to calculate the sum they ask of you. What level are you able to reach?
English language
Take your time
Cris2024-07-22T07:08:58+01:00Choose the type of activity you want and practice reading the digital and analog clock.
English language
Instruments for kids
Cris2024-07-21T17:39:29+01:00Select one of the four instruments and compose your own melody.
English language
Learn drawing
Cris2024-07-21T17:45:34+01:00Choose a category (letter, number, shape...) and learn to draw following the instructions.
English language
ABC hungry
Cris2024-07-21T12:15:25+01:00The cookie monster is hungry. Give him the cookies with the indicated letter.
English language
The colors
Cris2024-07-21T12:16:41+01:00With these fun and varied activities you can review colors in English.
English language
Days of the week
Cris2024-07-22T03:50:26+01:00Play memory and review the days of the week in English.
English language