Complete these activities to work on the groups of letters that are most common in Catalan.
Catalan language
Pharaoh's letters
Cris2024-07-22T11:34:56+01:00Navigate through the channels of the labyrinth. Follow the numerical order of the maze and write the phrase correctly.
Catalan language
Cris2024-07-22T11:42:17+01:00Work on spelling aspects with these dictations. You can select the level of difficulty.
Catalan language
Catalan spelling and grammar
Cris2024-07-22T11:42:53+01:00Review Catalan spelling and grammar with this series of online educational activities.
Catalan language
Cris2024-10-01T10:55:13+01:00Participate in this spelling adventure with Nil, Flic and Nat. Choose the level of difficulty and do the activities.
Catalan language
Short stories
Cris2024-07-21T19:03:57+01:00This application allows you to create small stories from predetermined images. Go ahead, use your imagination.
Catalan language