Cristina Carbonell presents the educational portal - Ser Empresaris, Radio SER
If we parents expose our children on social networks, what do we expect?
Cris2025-01-17T21:06:46+01:00If we parents expose our children on the networks, what do we expect? - Bon Dia
How we educate our children in the use of technology
Cris2025-01-16T16:55:25+01:00How we educate our children in the use of technology - Relax and Educate
Christmas holidays, how to write the letter and manage the excess of gifts
Cris2024-12-05T10:51:13+01:00Christmas holidays, how to make the letter and manage the excess of gifts - La Companyia, RTVA
Listen and do not minimize suffering
Cris2024-10-23T13:41:13+01:00Listening and not minimizing suffering, first actions to prevent suicidal behavior - RTVA
Keys for the use of technology to be positive
Cris2025-01-17T21:40:04+01:00Keys for the use of technology to be positive - El Periòdic
Back to school for families, teachers and children
Cris2024-10-23T14:00:54+01:00Back to school for families, teachers and children - La Companyia, RTVA
8 practical ideas to start the course calmly
Cris2024-10-23T14:22:50+01:008 practical ideas to start the course calmly - Ara Creatures
The mobile phone is not a toy
Cris2024-10-23T14:02:12+01:00The mobile phone is not a toy - La Companyia, RTVA
No punishments, what then?
Cris2024-10-23T14:02:19+01:00No punishments, what then? - La Companyia, RTVA
7 fun, screen-free activities for days spent at home
Cris2024-10-23T14:14:11+01:007 fun, screen-free activities for the days you are at home -
Positive Discipline Webinar in the classroom
Cris2025-01-17T13:00:02+01:00Positive Discipline in the classroom - Twinkl
Family school: paper and pencil, the future on paper
Cris2024-10-23T14:02:27+01:00School for families: paper and pencil, the future on paper - Escola de família, Radio Estel
Positive discipline. Educate without shouting or punishment
Cris2024-10-23T14:25:54+01:00Positive discipline. Educate without shouting or punishment - La Companyia, RTVA
Educational resources for children, teachers and families
Cris2024-10-23T14:02:44+01:00Educational resources for children, teachers and families - La Companyia, RTVA
Screens and childhood: time and content management
Cris2024-10-25T10:43:16+01:00Screens and childhood: time and content management - La Companyia, RTVA
Childhood and screens
Cris2024-10-23T15:12:30+01:00Childhood and screens - Smile & Learn, SIMO Education 2023
How to educate in the good use of technology
Cris2024-10-23T15:12:56+01:00How to educate in the good use of technology - Goldenmac, SIMO Educación 2023
No, breaking an egg on your child's head is not funny.
Cris2024-10-25T14:10:32+01:00No, breaking an egg on your child's head is not funny - Ara Creatures
Original strategies and activities (and without screens) for this summer
Cris2024-10-23T14:23:37+01:00Original strategies and activities (and without screens) for this summer - Ara Creatures
Respectful parenting avoids permissiveness and authoritarianism
Cris2025-01-17T21:37:45+01:00Respectful parenting avoids permissiveness and authoritarianism - El Periòdic
My children don't listen to me! 5 tips to get your attention
Cris2024-10-23T14:11:52+01:00My children don't listen to me! 5 tips to get their attention - Make Family
My children don't listen to me
Cris2024-10-25T11:09:49+01:00My children don't listen to me - Make Family
digital wellbeing Strategies for a more conscious use of technology
Cris2024-10-23T14:30:24+01:00Digital well-being. Strategies for a more conscious use of technology - Educating is everything
Am I overprotective of my child?
Cris2024-10-25T11:28:46+01:00Am I overprotective of my child? -WowPlay
When parenting becomes a competitive sport
Cris2025-01-17T21:28:09+01:00When parenting becomes a competitive sport - El Periòdic
Critical thinking in the digital age
Cris2024-10-25T10:45:41+01:00Critical thinking in the digital age - La Companyia, RTVA