Key tower


Write the letter that appears on the screen and make a very tall tower.
English language

Owl planes


Compete in this fun airplane race to practice typing. Advanced level.
English language

Typing jets


Compete in this fun airplane race to practice typing. Medium level.
English language

Skye chace


Compete in this fun airplane race to practice typing. Easy level.
English language

And I see 1


Practice typing with Vedoque. In this game you can practice the keys on the middle row of your keyboard.
Spanish Language

And I see 2


Practice typing with Vedoque. In this game you can practice the keys on the top row of your keyboard.
Spanish Language

And I see 3


Practice typing with Vedoque. In this game you can practice the letters on the bottom row of your keyboard.
Spanish Language

And I see 4


Practice typing with Vedoque. In this game you can practice the row of numbers on your keyboard.
Spanish Language

And I see 5


Practice typing with Vedoque. In this game you can practice the capital letters on your keyboard.
Spanish Language

And I see 6


Practice typing with Vedoque. In this game you can practice the signs and accents on your keyboard.
Spanish Language

Keyboard Climber


Practice typing with this friendly monkey. If you do well, you will level up. If you make a mistake, a coconut will fall on your head.
English language

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