Ten words will appear on the screen that you must type before they reach the end.
Spanish Language
Owl planes
Cris2024-07-22T08:24:51+01:00Compete in this fun airplane race to practice typing. Advanced level.
English language
Typing jets
Cris2024-07-22T08:24:24+01:00Compete in this fun airplane race to practice typing. Medium level.
English language
Skye chace
Cris2024-07-22T08:23:40+01:00Compete in this fun airplane race to practice typing. Easy level.
English language
Dance Typing Level 4
Cris2024-11-14T09:21:01+01:00With this game you will learn the correct position of your fingers on the keyboard. Dance Typing Level 4.
English language
Dance Typing Level 3
Cris2024-11-14T09:21:23+01:00With this game you will learn the correct position of your fingers on the keyboard. Dance Typing Level 3.
English language
Dance Typing Level 2
Cris2024-11-14T09:21:44+01:00With this game you will learn the correct position of your fingers on the keyboard. Dance Typing Level 2.
English language
Dance Typing Level 1
Cris2024-11-14T09:18:44+01:00With this game you will learn the correct position of your fingers on the keyboard. Dance Typing Level 1.
English language
And I see 1
Cris2024-07-22T04:50:57+01:00Practice typing with Vedoque. In this game you can practice the keys on the middle row of your keyboard.
Spanish Language
And I see 2
Cris2024-07-22T04:51:32+01:00Practice typing with Vedoque. In this game you can practice the keys on the top row of your keyboard.
Spanish Language
And I see 3
Cris2024-07-22T04:53:42+01:00Practice typing with Vedoque. In this game you can practice the letters on the bottom row of your keyboard.
Spanish Language
And I see 4
Cris2024-07-22T04:53:08+01:00Practice typing with Vedoque. In this game you can practice the row of numbers on your keyboard.
Spanish Language
And I see 5
Cris2024-07-22T04:52:35+01:00Practice typing with Vedoque. In this game you can practice the capital letters on your keyboard.
Spanish Language
And I see 6
Cris2024-07-22T04:52:03+01:00Practice typing with Vedoque. In this game you can practice the signs and accents on your keyboard.
Spanish Language
Keyboard Climber
Cris2024-07-22T04:54:14+01:00Practice typing with this friendly monkey. If you do well, you will level up. If you make a mistake, a coconut will fall on your head.
English language