Farm animals


Drag each word with the corresponding farm animal. You have three series of activities to choose from.
French language

The sound “a”


Practica el sonido "a". Selecciona los animales que tienen este sonido en su nombre. Activa el audio para escuchar la pronunciación.
French language

Croc doc


Solve these divisions and you can help brush the crocodiles' teeth.
English language

Triangle splat


Practice the types of angles with this game in which you must click according to the statement.
English language

Kangaroo hop

2025-01-29T16: 14: 04+01: 00

Participate in this kangaroo race where you must recognize the main geometric shapes.
English language

Alien angles

2025-01-29T16: 13: 52+01: 00

Move the side of the angles and make sure it measures what they tell you. Will you be able to get it right?
English language

Wipeout wall


Choose if you want to practice addition or subtraction, select the difficulty level and... let's play!
English language

Pirate puzzles


Decipher the value of each drawing and you will be able to calculate the sum they ask of you. What level are you able to reach?
English language

a star is born


With this resource you will discover the functions of an orchestra conductor and you will be able to simulate their tasks.
Spanish Language

Concept maps


The concept map is a tool that allows you to graphically organize knowledge. Learn how to build it step by step.

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