Haz clic en el altavoz para escuchar la palabra y marca la sílaba que contiene el sonido "oi".
French language
Fruits and vegetables
Cris2024-07-22T04:05:25+01:00Drag each word with the corresponding fruit or vegetable. You have four series of activities to choose from.
French language
Farm animals
Cris2024-07-22T04:06:02+01:00Drag each word with the corresponding farm animal. You have three series of activities to choose from.
French language
Clothes and accessories
Cris2024-07-22T04:06:36+01:00Drag each word with the item it corresponds to. You have four series of activities to choose from.
French language
The sound “a”
Cris2024-07-22T04:07:16+01:00Practica el sonido "a". Selecciona los animales que tienen este sonido en su nombre. Activa el audio para escuchar la pronunciación.
French language
ABC a pillar
Cris2024-07-21T16:32:07+01:00The caterpillar needs your help. Place the letters of the alphabet in the correct order.
English language
The big yellow bus
Cris2024-07-22T04:19:24+01:00Help these children sit in their seats. To do this you must solve the sums in less than a minute and a half.
English language
Catch the residue
Cris2024-07-22T04:14:14+01:00Complete these five activities in Catalan to learn about recycling.
Catalan language
Alien addition
Cris2025-01-29T16: 13: 20+01: 00Participate in this game in which you must put your speed into practice when adding.
English language
Jumping chicks
Cris2025-01-29T16: 13: 05+01: 00Do you know how to count? Participate in this fun duck race where you must jump on the number of leaves indicated to you.
English language
write my name
Cris2024-07-21T11:21:08+01:00Write the name of each image. You will have a letter as a clue.
Spanish Language
Drag and drop
Cris2024-07-21T11:49:13+01:00Match each drawing with its name. Look at the pictures and drag them to the corresponding word.
Catalan language
Drag and drop
Cris2024-07-21T11:22:05+01:00Match each drawing with its name. Look at the pictures and drag them to the corresponding word.
Spanish Language
Lowercase printing stroke
Cris2024-07-21T18:47:08+01:00Practice printing. Choose a category and write the word following the guideline.
Language: Spanish, Catalan
We write words
Cris2024-07-21T18:47:39+01:00Practice the linked letter. Choose a category and write the word following the guideline.
Spanish Language
Order the parts
Cris2024-07-21T18:23:46+01:00Arrange the parts of the drawing until they form the correct image.
Spanish Language
Puzzles paisajes
Cris2024-07-21T18:24:20+01:00Choose a landscape image and do the puzzle following the instructions.
Spanish Language
animal puzzles
Cris2024-07-21T18:24:53+01:00Choose an animal image and do the puzzle following the instructions.
Spanish Language
Memory Genmagic
Cris2024-07-21T18:04:35+01:00Select one of the difficulty levels and test your memory.
Spanish Language
Paint faces
Cris2024-07-21T18:05:15+01:00Choose a face and try to replicate it by clicking on the different parts until it is the same.
Spanish Language
Different drawing
Cris2024-07-21T18:05:49+01:00Pay attention, discover and click on the different drawing.
Spanish Language
The 5 differences
Cris2024-07-21T18:06:55+01:00Choose one of the five illustrations and mark the five differences. Will you be able to find them?
Spanish Language
read and colour
Cris2024-07-21T18:48:11+01:00In this reading comprehension activity you must read the description of the girl and color the drawing correctly.
Spanish Language
Discover the face
Cris2024-07-21T19:00:53+01:00Read the character description and complete the face using its instructions. You'll see what funniest faces come out!
Catalan language
Discover the face
Cris2024-07-21T18:49:03+01:00Read the character description and complete the face using its instructions. You'll see what funniest faces come out!
Spanish Language
Reading comprehension
Cris2024-07-21T18:49:37+01:00Comprehensive reading activities related to the seasons of the year and events of the school year.
Spanish Language
Wipeout wall
Cris2024-07-22T04:20:37+01:00Choose if you want to practice addition or subtraction, select the difficulty level and... let's play!
English language
Create your character
Cris2024-07-22T04:43:04+01:00Using these fun illustrations you can demonstrate your creativity and represent emotions and feelings.
Spanish Language
catch the letter
Cris2024-07-21T17:51:05+01:00Several letters will appear on the screen that you must type before they reach the end.
Spanish Language