The best books on Positive Discipline

One of the main objectives of es help families and teachers by sharing information, resources and tools that allow us to educate and accompany children from a conscious and respectful look, responding to the rights and needs of children. My purpose is to spread this philosophy of life and change of look to families and teachers, in order to contribute to improving our society. That's why in me website y Instagram account You can find free educational resources based on these principles.

This time I bring you a list of essential books with which you can get started in positive discipline.

Essential books on Positive Discipline

How to educate with firmness and affection

Author: Jane Nelsen

Jane Nelsen is the author of this book and one of the founders of Positive Discipline. It offers basic information so that any family can get started in this educational and life philosophy. A clear book with relevant information, real examples and practical tools to raise children with mutual respect, kindness and firmness.

Positive Discipline for Preschoolers

Autoras: Jane Nelsen, Cheryl Erwin y Roslyn Ann Duffy

Raising young children is one of the most complicated tasks an adult faces. There will be moments of frustration, anger and even despair. This book focuses on how to apply Positive Discipline in the preschool stage, especially from 0 to 4 years old.

Positive Discipline for Teenagers

Autoras: Jane Nelsen and Lynn Lott

Adolescence is often a time of great stress and confusion for both adolescents themselves and their parents. This book written by the founders of Positive Discipline offers effective and proven methods to work on better understanding and communication with your teenagers.

The child's brain

Authors: Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson

A practical and useful book with which you will understand the functioning of the child's brain and how it develops. By applying this knowledge you will be able to see the daily challenges with your children from another perspective. This book offers clear guidelines to understand and manage the different conflicts of children depending on each age, as well as tools to resolve them.

The child's brain. Workbook

Authors: Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson

This book (by the same authors of The child's brain) provides practical exercises and activities so that mothers and fathers can face the challenges of parenting in the different phases of the child's growth. It is a support tool so that parents and educators can come to understand and connect better with their children and also to know themselves better as parents: tools to resolve conflicts between siblings, confrontations over homework, battles. because of screen time, tantrums, anger…

Raise from the heart

Authors: Beatriz M. Muñoz and Nitdia Aznárez

The authors combine the principles of Positive Discipline and the Montessori method to build a safe, encouraging and calm family environment for our children, from early childhood to adolescence, while connecting with ourselves. It offers respectful tools and solutions, leaving behind punishments, rewards and all those practices that do not cultivate unconditional love.

Discipline without tears

Authors: Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson

The authors of The child's brain They explain in this book how to establish a connection with the child, redirect emotions and turn a tantrum into an opportunity for growth. In this guide you will discover: aspects of the development of the child's brain and analysis of the most appropriate and constructive disciplines for all ages and stages, how to connect with a child with calm and affection (no matter how extreme their behavior may be), while fixing clear and consistent limits, tips for dealing with tantrums or tantrums with respect and empathy, as well as twenty mistakes in relation to discipline that even the best parents make, and how to stay focused on the principles of disciplinary techniques and parenting style of “full brain”.

Positive childhood

Author: Diana Jiménez

This book offers parents the necessary tools to understand their children's behavior, even when it is not appropriate, and redirect it with respect, without power struggles and in an always positive way based on mutual respect and collaboration. It includes more than 40 practical and real examples with which you will learn to educate from awareness, tranquility, values ​​and understanding.

Learn as a family

Authors: Eva Peñafiel and Juan José Rabanal

A practical guide to positive and conscious education. Emoprende is, on the one hand, an explicit commitment to meet the needs of all family members at home. And on the other hand, a commitment to generate and enhance the fundamental skills for life and the necessary socio-emotional competencies, which make our children meet these basic needs and are able to relate to themselves and others, successfully, in a Respectful, safe and friendly family environment. "Changes, even if they are difficult, are possible if we have the right tools and we have the will and motivation to achieve them."

How to talk so your children listen to you and how to listen so your children talk to you

Authors: Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

This book provides a practical and respectful approach to making relationships with children of all ages less stressful and more rewarding. Their communication methods offer innovative ways to solve common problems: confront your child's frustration or disappointment, express your anger without being hurtful, get your child's cooperation, set firm limits while maintaining goodwill, use alternatives to punishment and resolve family conflicts peacefully.

I like the family that I have

Author: Carme Thió de Pol

This book exposes the most common difficulties and conflicts in the learning and maturation process of children: jealousy, insecurity, fears.… and proposes various ways of expressing and acting with the aim of achieving a positive and well-being family environment, in which all family members feel happier.

Educate without losing your nerve

Author: Tania García

This book invites families to educate their own emotions to later apply the necessary tools for the emotional education of their children. The author presents various examples and proposals to educate in a positive and respectful way, based on unconditional love.

If you want to learn more about Positive Discipline, know its bases and discover practical tools to apply on a daily basis with your children, contact me and I will inform you about the advice and workshops that I give both in person and Positive Discipline in Spain, as Positive Discipline in Andorra. And also online workshops and advice. 😉

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I hope these books are useful to you and allow you to introduce yourself to Positive Discipline.

Below I leave you more entries related to positive discipline and respectful education, in case you are interested in continuing reading on this topic:

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