Basic data:

💰 Precio: free

🖥️ Access: web

💡 Use: educational resources

🔑 Record: no

What is christian?

cristic is the digital platform for the entire educational community: teachers, families and children. At no cost to users, cristic offers the necessary resources to educate and learn better:

  • Boys and girls. Online educational games: For children, cristic offers a safe space with more than 600 online educational games so that children from 3 to 12 years old (Kindergarten and Primary) can learn by playing. Without advertising, free and without even the need to register. The games are organized and classified by course, subject or competition and theme.
  • Teachers. Educational resources: For teachers, cristic also offers a section with educational material, teaching tools, ICT resources, respectful education, positive discipline, reflections and ideas to implement in the classroom.
  • Families. Respectful parenting: For families, cristic has information and resources for conscious and respectful parenting, improving the family climate, tools to educate calmly, as well as digital well-being and responsible and safe use of screens as a family.
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