This 2024 has been a year of impact and growth for my educational website, on which I work every day with the purpose of connecting with families, teachers and children around the world. With a special presence in Spain, Mexico, Colombia and Argentina, I continue to build a digital space that is committed to comprehensive and conscious learning. 🌿 was born with a clear mission: to turn technology into a tool that drives learning, fosters emotional and digital well-being, and promotes essential values ​​such as critical thinking and mutual respect.

With over 600 carefully curated educational games and resources focused on digital and emotional well-being, cristic offers much more than entertainment. My goal is to inspire families and teachers to develop children's emotional skills and manage screen time from an approach based on positive discipline.

💡 “If they are going to use technology, let it be to grow.” This principle guides every shared resource:
✅ More than 600 online educational games without violence or advertising.
✅ Ideas to promote emotional and digital well-being.
✅ Tools to manage screens in a conscious and healthy way.

Knowing that we have reached 10.1 million visits and more than 1 million users around the world confirms the importance of my purpose.

I sincerely thank all the people who have trusted in this year and that they continue to bet on a more humane and digitally responsible education. 💛

🌟 Let's go for an even more significant 2025! Because growing, learning and taking care of our emotions can also be achieved in the digital environment. 🙌