Carmen Esteban, child and perinatal psychologist and author of the account @mipsicologainfantil, has written this story that you can download for free in both Spanish and English, so that families and educators can use it as a tool to explain this tragedy to children.
Elena, the author of @lapizarrapedagogica, has written this story to explain this topic to children. It is available for free in several languages, including Spanish, Catalan and English.
@modernadepueblo illustrates some advice that psychologists from @turefugiopsicologia have compiled for this tragic situation that we are experiencing.
I can't stop thinking about all those people affected, children and adults. In the number of missing people, people who have lost their loved ones, who from one day to the next have been left with nothing, and in the fatalities.
From here I want to thank all the volunteers and professionals who have dedicated themselves to caring and helping without expecting anything in return, contributing their enormous grain of sand in this very dramatic situation. 💛