Religion Games for 5th and 6th grade students
Following you will find free online educational games of Religion for boys and girls of 10 to 12 years. These Didactical games They will allow students to know and review the contents of Religion in 5th and 6th grade of Primary: values, biblical characters, etc. Select the game that interests you the most and have fun learning!
World religions
It groups the main religions of the world according to whether they are animist, oriental or monotheist.
Spanish Language
The exodus
Sort the images and drag the most appropriate title for each of them.
Spanish Language
Parts of the New Testament
Where in the Bible can you read each story? You must drag it to the corresponding place.
Spanish Language
New Testament
Some books of the New Testament have been misplaced. Would you know how to put them back in their place?
Spanish Language
Old Testament
Some books of the Old Testament have been misplaced. Would you know how to put them back in their place?
Spanish Language
Kings and prophets
Arrange the letters to form the names of some kings and prophets.
Spanish Language
The sacraments
Relate the sacraments to their meaning, since they appear disordered.
Spanish Language
The promised land
Fill the baskets with all the manna so that it becomes bread.
Spanish Language
The current church
Correctly place the legends on the Christian year poster.
Spanish Language
The Patriarchs of Israel
Identify seven names related to the life of Joseph in the word search.
Spanish Language
The twelve apostles
Select the correct answer about the apostles that appear in the images.
Spanish Language
The 4 gospels
Analyze these works of art with scenes from the life of Jesus and identify the characters that appear.
Spanish Language
The creation
Drag the creation agenda number to the correct place.
Spanish Language
Puzzle Maria
Solve the puzzle and discover the message for María.
Spanish Language
Apostles of Jesus
Drag and sort the names of Jesus' apostles.
Spanish Language
Sacrifice of Jesus
Drag and arrange the scene of Jesus' sacrifice.
Spanish Language
Scenes of Jesus
Select the image that corresponds to each scene from the life of Jesus.
Spanish Language
The life of Jesus
Complete the following questionnaires about facts from the life of Jesus.
Spanish Language
A gift and a duty
Complete the 10 activities in the unit A gift and a duty.
Spanish Language
The road to happiness
Complete the 10 activities of the The Path to Happiness unit.
Spanish Language
The joy of freedom
Complete the 10 activities in the Joy of Freedom unit.
Spanish Language
With God's help
Complete the 10 activities of the unit With God's Help.
Spanish Language
Holy Week Facts
Discover and associate the events that occurred during Holy Week.
Spanish Language
Drag the names of the characters to classify them according to whether they belong to the Old or New Testament.
Spanish Language