In today's post I bring you a new delivery of proposals for Mooc courses, specifically 11 MOOC Courses for Professors.

Los MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) They are virtual formations that are taught in through an online educational platform. They have a structure similar to traditional courses: there are teachers, students, learning materials and activities. The difference lies in the way of imparting the formation, since there are no space barriers (they are virtual and massive) or time barriers (each participant organizes their time according to their needs). Although the MOOCs are usually free, today we can also find payment.

If you still don't know what this is from the Mooc, I recommend that you read 6 key questions about the MOOCwhere you will find information about this online training modality that is spoken so much.

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We see below some free MOOC courses that as a teacher may interest you:

11 MOOC Courses for Professors

1. Towards a constructivist practice in the classroom:

Cursos MOOC para profesores | cristic
  • Information: Design your classes from a constructivist conception considering the diversity of learning experiences and the proper integration of technology.
  • Web: Coursera
  • Duración: 12 hours
  • Language: Español
  • Link: Aputate!

2. Educational leadership in the classroom:

  • Information: Reflect on the needs of current educational leadership and its three dimensions to positively impact students.
  • Web: Tachlr
  • Language: Español
  • Link: Aputate!

3. Aprendizaje basado en problemas:

  • Information: Identifica los elementos básicos del ABP y aprende a diseñar escenarios aplicando esta estrategia didáctica para enriquecer el aprendizaje de tus alumnos.
  • Web: Udemy
  • Language: Español
  • Link: Aputate!

4. Coaching en el contexto educativo:

  • Information: El propósito de este curso es acompañarte en un proceso de exploración y expansión de tus propias creencias, objetivos, herramientas y recursos en relación con el aprendizaje y desarrollo integral.
  • Web: Udemy
  • Language: Español
  • Link: Aputate!

5. TIC para la enseñanza:

  • Information: Este curso tiene por objetivo acompañarte en el desarrollo de habilidades para el uso de la tecnología en tu labor docente.
  • Web: Udemy
  • Language: Español
  • Link: Aputate!

6. Enseñar matemáticas a alumnos de Primaria:

Cursos MOOC para profesores | cristic
  • Information: Course aimed at teachers who want to teach mathematics in the first cycle. Learn the techniques that work best with these ages.
  • Web: Tutellus
  • Language: Español
  • Link: Aputate!

7. Instructional design for virtual education:

  • Information: The instructional design is the art of e-learning architecture to make the most didactic and enjoyable classes in offering online educational content.
  • Web: Tutellus
  • Language: Español
  • Link: Aputate!

8. Self -knowledge from scratch:

Cursos MOOC para profesores | cristic
  • Information: The purpose of this course is to accompany you in an exploration and expansion process of your own beliefs, objectives, tools and resources in relation to learning and integral development.
  • Web: Tutellus
  • Language: Español
  • Link: Aputate!

9. Discover personalized education:

Cursos MOOC para profesores | cristic
  • Information: Personalized education wants to offer personal and unique attention to students throughout the educational process. Discover this educational trend and the current situation ..
  • Web: Tutellus
  • Language: Español
  • Link: Aputate!

10. Basic French course:

Cursos MOOC para profesores | cristic
  • Information: You want to learn French, but don't you know where to start? This course will give you the first bases to start your learning well
    New language.
  • Web: Tutellus
  • Language: French
  • Link: Aputate!

11. Learn basic English:

  • Information: This course will allow you to learn basic aspects of English, as well as review content if you have already studied it in the past. It will be a lot
    Useful to improve your language level in a matter of little time.
  • Web: Tutellus
  • Language: English
  • Link: Aputate!